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Kids Obesity

Many parents are feeling sad when their kids are obese. The kinds can not socialize properly and lack of self confidence when they are obese. Most of their friends will humiliate them by telling, "Hey you fat!" or something like that.

Kids with obesity are usually a target of humiliation by their friends. Kids with obesity is usually associated with lazy, disgusting, stupid, and ugly. The kids with obesity is usually discriminated so that they feel not confident and the achievement at school is low.

Obesity is not only led to psychosocial and emotional malfunction, but also led to obesity at teenager phase of adult. The percentage of kids with obesity to continue to obese at teenager is about 78% and 25%-50% at adult. The possibility of adult obesity to get overweight-disease, such as dibetes, hypertension, stroke, digestion cancer, is greater if they are obese at teenager than the one who obese at adult.

Water Birth

Water birth is child birth that occur in water. The method has been applied in Russia and France since 30 years ago. Water birth is a safe and natural birth method that becomes popular in North America.

Submersion in warm water is an effective relaxation which can reduce pain and accelerate the process of delivery. Water buoyancy makes mom feels relax. She also can choose her comfortable birthing position. Water birth makes mom easily supports her body and face contraction phase. Her muscles will be more relax because she does not support her body. If mom feels relax (without medicines), hormone which responsible to stress will be low so that the hormone which responsible to delivery (oxytocin and endorphin) will work easily.

Water birth is considered as safe birthing method for both mom and the baby when care is provided by midwives or doctor who follow best practice guidelines.

Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression

The first weeks after the birth of a baby can be exciting and stressful for a woman. You may be blessed with a beautiful baby and a loving partner, but you find yourself crying over things that usually don't bother you. Childbirth causes changes to your body and to your emotions. These changes may leave you feeling sad, anxious, afraid, or confused. These feeling are sometimes called the baby blues.

Signs of Labor

For a pregrant mom, they always wonder when will the baby likely to drop? As you approach the last week of pregnancy, you want to know when the labor is and when you need to call your doctor.

There are several signals your body will give you to let you know you are preparing for pregnancy. Understanding the signs and symptoms of labor will help prepare for a healthy birth.

How to Boost Your Children's Brain Power

Childhood is very important phase for brain development. What children learn in early life will have a great impact of their brains for years to come. Many parents hope their children will get successful life, get good grades, having many friends, good profession, and so on. What parents can do to prepare this for their children? Boost your children's brain power since early childhood! We can influence our children's brain power through the food we give them, the games we play, the lives we lead, and the choices we make.

Video of Woman Giving Birth

This is a video of woman giving birth. You can see others on  http://www.videoofbirth.com/pregnant-woman-giving-birth/. I saw the process was quite fast but I have no guts to watch other videos.


Breastfeeding is the safest and most healthy choice to feed your baby. It is important to understand the benefits you will get by breastfeeding and have your health provider and maternal health care facility to encourage and support breastfeeding. (source of picture: http://www.peterboroughandstamford.nhs.uk)

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is very important because breastmilk is the natural food for newborns. It contains everything your baby needs. It has disease-fighting antibodies that can help infants from several types of illnesses.