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How to Boost Your Children's Brain Power

Childhood is very important phase for brain development. What children learn in early life will have a great impact of their brains for years to come. Many parents hope their children will get successful life, get good grades, having many friends, good profession, and so on. What parents can do to prepare this for their children? Boost your children's brain power since early childhood! We can influence our children's brain power through the food we give them, the games we play, the lives we lead, and the choices we make.

Get Breakfast

Do not skip breakfast! Eating breakfast improves children's performance at school. Children who regularly eat breakfast have better nutrient intakes than non-breakfast eaters, such as energy, fibre, calcium, and iron.

Without glucose, our brain does not operate well. People have difficulty understanding new information. They have a problem with visual and spatial understanding, and they don't remember things as well.

Consider foods that enhanced your children brain power, such as blueberries, dried fruit, green tea, beans, broccoli, walnut, and squash. 

Playing Games that Improve Brain Power

New research suggesting that video gaming may have real-world benefits for your child's developing brain. Games can improve skill in vision, attention, and certain aspects in cognition. Let children to play Crossword puzzle, Sudoku, and Jumble puzzles. Several games, such as Boggle Jr., Concentration, and Scrabble help increasing children memory. Encourage them not to give up halfway through the crossword.

Read with your children

Reading to your child from the beginning shows its importance and creates lifelong loves of books. Read to children everyday. Toddlers love it when you read the same familiar story ever again.

Support at home

Research found that home learning environment made more difference to child's intellectual and social environment than parental education or occupation.

When parents spend more time with their children and show interest in them, it can improve self-esteem. A child who has self-believe is more likely to be happy and a happy children is more likely to perform well at school.

Parent should involve children in activities, such as cooking, shopping, and gardening.


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