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Parenting Magazine

As a parent, especially new and young parent, you maybe want to find some comprehensive resources to learn about how to parent. Parenting magazine is one resource that is recommended. Despite of parenting magazine, you can also find some parenting knowledge from internet, TV show, books, or seminar. But learning from magazine, especially from Parenting magazine, you will be provided by lots of easy-reading and various topics concerning parenting. By reading appropriate parenting magazine, you will not only get ideas about your parenting styles, but also other information related to child health, psychological development of your child, children education, how to build good parent-children relationship, and so on.

Parenting Ideas Magazine

These parenting magazines were published in Australia. When I write this post, I see the magazines have been published to the forth edition. I like this parenting magazine because the cover and illustration was very good. Beside that, Michael Grose, one of the author of this magazine was not a common writer. He is the author of eight parenting books and his popular parenting column appear in newspaper and magazine across Australia. Here I show you the forth edition of Parenting Ideas Magazine. For your information, you can download this parenting magazine freely.

Young Parents

Young Parents is monthly parenting magazine published in Singapore for families with children up to age nine. It is the go-to guide for parents on everything from education to health, relevant tips from experts and comprehensive resource. You can read this magazine freely (online). This is one my favorite parenting magazine because it's very colorful but easy reading. Your children may also like this magazine because they can enjoy color the Dino which is provided at the end of the magazine.


What is the most important job in the world? Parenting, says Parenting magazine, an online parenting magazine published by Department of Community Services (DOCs), Australia. The best part of this magazine is the small notes that usually appears in the end of the articles which will remind us on what are the important point of that article.


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