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Breastfeeding is the safest and most healthy choice to feed your baby. It is important to understand the benefits you will get by breastfeeding and have your health provider and maternal health care facility to encourage and support breastfeeding. (source of picture: http://www.peterboroughandstamford.nhs.uk)

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is very important because breastmilk is the natural food for newborns. It contains everything your baby needs. It has disease-fighting antibodies that can help infants from several types of illnesses.

The Canadian Paediatric Society and the College of Family Physicians of Canada agree that:
·         Breastfeeding should be started for the first six months
·         Around six months, babies begin to eat solid foods and continue to breastfeed for up to 2 years or beyond

The experience of breastfeeding is exceptional for many reasons.

·         Breastfeeding will give you, your baby, your family, and your community a lot of benefits
·         Breastfeeding is free
·         Breastmilk is convenient, always the right temperature and available anytime
·         Breastfeeding encourages bonding between you and your baby
·         Breastfeeding satisties both your and your baby’s emotional needs

Breastfeeding Protects Babies

Early Breast Milk is Liquid Gold
Colostrum (left) vs breast milk (right) from Wikipedia
Colostrum, known as liquid gold, is the first thick yellow first breast milk that you make during pregnancy and just after birth. This milk is rich in nutrients and antibody that will protect your baby.

Breast milk is easier to digest

Breast milk is easy for your baby to digest. Some proteins present in cow’s milk are difficult for baby to digest. Iron in your breast milk is also easy for your baby to absorb.

Breast milk fight diseases

The chemical formula of breast milk is very unique that it can protect baby from illness. Breast milk also decreases the risk of digestive diseases, risk of ear, chest, and stomach infections, prevents diarrhea, and decreases the risk of Suddent Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mothers

Breastfeeding is not only good for your baby but also for you. Here are some benefits of breastfeeding for mothers.

Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother and baby

Breastfeeding stimulates the release of oxytocin hormone in the mother’s baby which stimulates uterine contractions, milk ejection, and development of maternal behavior.

Breastfeeding decreases a mother’s risk of breast cancer

There is a study that shows the relationship between the longer the lifetime of breastfeeding and the greater the risk of reduction for breast cancer. This relationship is existed for both pre- and postmenopausal women.

Breastfeeding helps prevent post-partum hemorrage

Nursing releases oxytocin and help shrink uterus back to pre-pregnancy size. These contraction also discourage excessive bleeding from placental site.

Breastfeeding decreases chances of osteoporosis

Breastfeeding mothers and their babies have a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. Mothers who do not breastfeed have four times higher risk for osteoporosis than mother who do breastfeed.


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